Friday 12 August 2011

Website is back

Note: For now you can use the old manual. Although it's outdated it's better than nothing. I'm working on getting the new one back online.

What has happened?

Due to problems at my old webhost I was forced to move my website. My new webhost then took a while to properly configure the domain for But all is working now. The old content is gone however. This means the forum and parts of the wiki (= the manual) are lost.

I will work on finishing this website so people can easily download Gandanur again. Then the forum and wiki will be brought back online (and with new content).

What about Gandanur?

I've worked on Gandanur in collaboration with To keep it short: Gandanur is used to track statistics of the games played on a halo server. Here HaloRank relies on Gandanur to provide a stable server tool that is able to gather and send player and game statictics.

The next features of Gandanur will include afk kick and the ability to broadcast messages.


  1. Glad to hear you didn't stop =)
    Hope to see a new version soon.

  2. Yes!! I'm glad you are back!

  3. Hey how come this place is in dutch?

  4. It was in dutch because that's my native language and it defaulted to that. I changed it to english now. Thanks for telling ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey man, the d/l link for Sightjacker isn't working properly. Either the file won't open or it gives me an error.

  7. When i updated, just throwing a bug out there... after using the full capabilities of Gandanur, for some reason 04 players(copied key users) cant join after adding admins and setting up remote control... it starts to check cd key even after version changing, and only legit version changers can join... i just downgraded to fix but just thought you might wna know ;)

  8. @Badow: Execute the command sv_cdkeycheck false to disable CD key checks. If that command is not executed it will indeed still check CD keys.

  9. Preciate the help but one more bug issue to report... after a while, the ports change even from the default 2302... now i run multiple servers in one computer and all of them port changed and cannot be controlled by using the -port xxxx command and this is an issue not really relevent to the list users but for us "scrimmers" who like to use the [connect xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx pass] command in the console... just something im throwing out there ;) thanks omega for listening to me complain and get on xfire m0ar

  10. @Badow: I don't know what you mean. You can change the port of the server using -port in the shortcut. Then you simply use that port in the connect command. The port never changes "after a while". It only changes if someone modifies the shortcut and restarts the server (or network configurations / port forwarding settings have changed, which is not something Gandanur can control).
